Contour Light 

Body Contouring

Exclusively at Club Red Halifax

Harness the power of the only pad-based red light therapy body sculpting with an FDA Clearance for inches lost, backed by an IRB-approved clinical study where 118 patients lost an average of 2.49” per 25-minute session. If you’re looking for the best Body Contouring in Nova Scotia, look no further.

Watch this video to learn more about Contour Light and it's amazing benefits!


Step into the new you without overzealous cardio or exhaustive abs workouts. This innovative Contour Light red light therapy, hailed in numerous Contour Light therapy reviews, is your pathway to losing inches and fat. It’s also a recognized treatment for conditions like cellulite, skin tightening, stretch marks, body sculpting, skin rejuvenation, anti-aging, collagen production, fine lines, wrinkles, acne, and eczema.

How Does It Work?


Step 1:

The Contour Light device, placed directly on the skin, emits red light waves that penetrate the skin. The surface of this device is designed with reflective properties that trap and redirect energy back into your tissue for optimal healing and body contouring.

Step 2:

Contour Light pads also employ mid-600 nm and infrared light to enhance the beneficial effects of red light. When fat cells are exposed to this red light, they release 99% of their contents within minutes, thus kickstarting your weight loss process.

Step 3:

This process, known as photo-biostimulation, stimulates the mitochondria—the powerhouses of the cells—to produce more energy, resulting in increased fat loss.

Step 4:

This process, known as photo-biostimulation, stimulates the mitochondria—the powerhouses of the cells—to produce more energy, resulting in increased fat loss.


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Ready To Kickstart Your Weight Loss Journey With Us? 

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The Contour Light is FDA Cleared for use as a non-invasive dermatological aesthetic treatment for the reduction of circumference of the hips, waist and thighs. 

The Contour Light is also FDA Cleared for the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis, muscle spasms, relieving stiffness, promoting the relaxation of muscle tissue and to temporarily increase local blood circulation.


Exclusive Guaranteed Weight Loss Inspire Lifestyle Program  

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